Drop-In Meditation
Drop-In meditation classes every Thursday evening. Everyone is welcome and no previous experience is necessary.
Anthroposophic Book Centre in Halifax Street, Adelaide 5000
Thursday 19 August 2021 – Saturday 21 August 2021
This online retreat, led by Dharmananda - a very experienced meditation teacher, will give an introduction to the Anapanasati Sutta, which expounds the practice of Mindfulness of Breathing as taught by the Buddha.
Much of what we gain through mindfulness and meditation comes from letting go of our habits of mind; habits that keep us from enjoying the greater freedoms of being more awake to spiritual truths. In this retreat we will see how such a simple practice as being mindful of our experience can lead us to the ultimate goal of liberation. Within the framework and approach of the Anapanasati Sutta, we will explore this profound teaching from the Buddha.
The Saturday teaching sessions will revise the first three tetrads of the Sutta and Sunday sessions will explore the fourth tetrad.
This retreat is led by Dharmananda in conjunction with the Adelaide Triratna Community. He will present the retreat entirely online and a recording will be available after each session. There will be notes provided for participants.
Participation is by donation / give what you can - to your local centre. Donations to Adelaide Triratna can be made using bank details provided in your confirmation email or you can donate here.
If you are happy to pay by direct bank transfer to save paypal fees, then please select 'pay later' when making your booking and make your transfer to the following bank account: Adelaide Triratna Bank Australia BSB: 313140 Account: 12113931
Already Paid a Deposit? Pay Balance NowZoom Meeting ID: 848 2799 6699
Passcode: 528016
For most modern web browsers, you do not need to download anything. For a better experience you can, before the start time, download the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux. You do not need to create an account or sign in.
A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.
Before the start time, download the Zoom Mobile App using one of the links below. You do not need to create an account or sign in.
A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.
Time (ACST*) | Activity |
7-9am | Online Meditation |
10:30am-12.30pm | Online Teaching (Morning Session) |
2.30-4.30pm | Online Teaching (Afternoon Session) |
7-8pm | Online Q&A |
8.10pm | Online Pūjā |
*add 30 mins for Eastern States The retreat starts on the Friday evening at 7pm ACST.
You dont have to be a Buddhist to attend this retreat, but it is aimed at those with some experience of meditation, preferably as taught by Triratna. If you would like to come on the retreat, but havent been to a Triratna event yet, please come along on one of our Tuesday evening classes, or if thats not possible, contact us via email on info at adelaidetriratna dot com.
The retreat will begin on the Friday evening at 7pm ACST / 7.30pm AEST; and end on Sunday evening after the evening Puja, scheduled for 8.10 ACST / 8.40pm AEST.